Thursday, 6 December 2012

Waymarks Contender No. 70


Waymarks Contender No.70
 Let us walk by the same rule Phil. 3: 16
Final Edition. Material is now published on my other blogs.

Report of Open Air Preaching

September 1st  Leagrave, LUTON. Two of us went to the Leagrave shopping centre to preach on this Saturday morning. This is just one mile from home but yet the first time I had ever preached here. I had always thought the site did not lend itself to open air preaching. Darryll brought his banner with him and we were much helped in the Lord. We stood by the pedestrian crossing which was very busy and every few moments we had twenty seconds quietness in order to preach the gospel. I have now developed a twenty seconds Gospel Message. It is comprised of one gospel text followed by one comment. I think the queue at the Natwest wall  till on the other side of the street was also within hearing.
We were able to engage in several conversations. One involved a lady from Shankill Road. She protested her atheism and then sat listening to the preaching. She sat within two yards of us so the preaching continued for more than twenty seconds. As she left she showed a little more interest.
Another young man insisted he had never before heard the message we preached.

AV Verses Vindicated

Psalm 22: 16
They pierced my hands and my feet
“my hands and feet have shrivelled”     NRSV.
̶oh, my poor hands and feet!”     CEB  
There is no serious doubt concerning the integrity of the Hebrew text which reads aree (lion). They lioned” Him. The  cruel nails hammered in were as the fangs and claws of a lion.
There is no doubt for the believer that the Authorized Version is correct in its translation because it is vindicated in the New Testament. See John 19: 37and again another Scripture saith, They shall look on him whom they pierced.
Any alteration robs this verse of its prophetic nature.

Proverbs 29: 18
Where there is no vision (chazon) the people perish
“where there is no revelation the people cast off restraint.”    NIV
“Where there is no message from God, the people don’t control themselves.”  NIrV
Chazon is never translated as “revelation” in the Authorized Bible. The word revelation is not used on the Authorized Version, “Message” does not translate chazon.
Isaiah 14: 9
Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth
“Sheol beneath is stirred up to meet you when you come, it rouses the shades to greet you….”                                    NRSV
“The grave below is all astir to meet you at your coming; it rouses the spirits of the departed to greet you….”               NIV

The Hebrew word sheol may be translated grave or hell. The context determines the English translation. The first usage is in Genesis 37: 35 where Jacob says, “I will go down into the grave”.
The first time hell is used is in Deuteronomy 32: 22, A fire is kindled in my anger and shall burn unto the lowest hell

Jacob believed in God but thought he would end his days sorrowing.
 Fires do not burn in material graves where there is no oxygen, neither are graves usually seen as higher or lower. They do not experience emotions so they cannot be moved.
The word Hell is removed from most modern versions because of the fear it holds.
See my notes on Hades/Sheol  

John 3: 18
He that believeth on him is not condemned (krino): but he that believeth not is condemned already….

“He that believeth on him is not judged….”       RV
“anyone who believes in him is not judged….”    NIrV  (n.b. the NIV kept “condemned”)
“He that believes on him is not judged….”     JND
“No one who believes in Him has to fear condemnation….”    TV  (The Voice)

There is no textual conflict here. The Received Text has krino translated condemned in the Authorized  Bible, as have many modern versions. The Nestle-Aland Greek text also reads krino.
The difference between the AV and the RV is a matter of interpretation and is not a textual issue.
Krino is often translated as judge in the AV Bible indicating that the translators were well aware of different meanings, The context decides which should be used. Consider John 5: 22 where krino (verb)and krisis (noun) are used in the same verse; For the Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.
The unbeliever is condemned already. The sentence has been passed. The criminal (unbelief is a crime against God) awaits the execution of the sentence on the Day of Judgment.

1 Peter 4: 11
If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God

“if any man speaketh, speaking as it were, oracles of God;”     RV

The adverb, as, means “equally”, that is, the preacher speaks with and in the full authority of the word of God If he  cannot do this he is a false teacher.
The Revised Version destroys the authority of the man speaking. The interpolation “as it were” does not translate the adverb hos in this verse. Compare Acts 17: 14, ….the brethren sent away Paul to go as it were to the sea. Here hos rather means “in a manner of speaking / as if it were true.”
Pretence cannot be permitted in 1 Peter 4: 11.

The four mentions of the oracles refer to the utterances of God. They are Acts 7: 38, (The law given at Sinai), Romans 3: 2 (referring to the Old Testament Scriptures), Hebrews 5: 2 (referring to the first principles of Scripture), and 1 Peter 4: 11.
 If the minister of God is not speaking, “thus saith the Lord”  then he is a deceiver.

D West refuted

 Q. Why should modern versions (e.g. the NIV) of the Scriptures not be used publicly, when speakers often quote from other versions when ministering the Word of God?
̶ Question Box; Believer’s Magazine; July 2004.

A. We believe that the Bible is divinely inspired, i.e. not only its declared truths, but its actual words, are God-breathed and were received by men and written without error; "All scripture is given by inspiration of God" (2 Tim 3.16). When we say that we believe in verbal, plenary inspiration, i.e. in an inerrant Bible, we should understand that this claim is being made for the original writings.
It cannot be justifiably claimed that the KJV (or AV) is a flawless translation; such a translation does not exist because of the very nature of translation work. Thus e.g. it is widely agreed i) that the AV in 2 Thessalonians 2: 2, "as that the day of Christ is at hand", should more correctly read, "as that the day of the Lord is present" - the understanding of the whole context in 2 Thessalorians 2 demands the alternative rendering; and ii) that the AV of Hebrews 2.17, "to make reconciliation for the sins of the people", should be better translated, "to make propitiation for the sins of the people". Sins can never be reconciled to God, it is persons who are reconciled.
We should, nevertheless, be thankful for the beautiful and accurate AV. The present writer reads it daily and would never desire to see it replaced, but it is a translation and therefore subject to the ability of the translators to communicate to us,
 in English, the meaning of the original languages. We praise God
 for the amazing success they achieved.
Among the assemblies of the Lord's people with which the present writer is acquainted, by far the greater majority of believers read the AV. He would therefore strongly advocate the continued use of the AV for public reading. The argument that the younger generation cannot understand the language of the AV is rather weak, since such have had far greater educational opportunities than their forebears. In the opinion of the writer, it is perfectly in order for a brother, when ministering the Word, to give alternative renderings for a word or phrase from other translations, if he feels this will lead to a clearer understanding.

D West begins his answer by stating that “the Bible is divinely inspired”, (present tense used) He then goes on to reveal that, rather, it is the original writings that were inspired. The Bible (he doesn’t say which bible he is referring to) and the original writings are not regarded by bible critics as being identically the word of God.
D West does not remind his readers that no person has seen the original writings since around 150 the latest, although the claim is that they were inspired. He quotes 2 Tim. 3: 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of God but his reply suggests that he doesn’t really believe it, because he has in his first paragraph told his readers that inspiration is history. He means “all scripture WAS given by inspiration God” and there is no inspired Scripture in existence today, but he dare not say it. 
D West does NOT believe in an extant verbal, and plenary inspired Bible. He makes this very plain in his statement. In this he is in line with Brethren leadership today, which is seriously compromised and largely apostate. It is no longer the liberal wing of the Brethren movement alone that rejects the fundamental doctrine of the preservation of Scripture. Those once regarded as conservative are doing the same. Other writers have shown that “Brethren” scholars have been in the vanguard of textual criticism.
The magazine that gives the above Q and A (Believers Magazine; July 2004 carries an editorial and an article lamenting the deplorable condition of assemblies. A pretence is made at addressing this problem but none will face up to the truth. If our Bible teachers persist in telling their congregations that there are mistakes, mistranslations, and errors in the Bible they are holding in their hands then faith will be destroyed.
The other major reason for apostasy among us is that there are large numbers of unconverted folk in assembly fellowship. These have no faith. 
The view expressed in this “answer” does much to destroy faith. 
D West writes that  a flawless translation “does not exist because of the very nature of translation work”. That is, the Bible is no different to any other book and ordinary natural laws must apply in its translation. There is no place allowed for supernatural overruling. So Brethren Bible critics will have God starting the thing off but then  retreating, frustrated that He hasn’t got the power to maintain it. This really is the view of the apostate scholars whom D West appears to highly exalt. It also makes God a liar because He has pledged himself to maintain His word intact and we have quoted enough verses in the past to make it unnecessary to repeat all of  them now.  Just ponder Ps. 12: 6,7; Ps.119: 89; 1 Pet. 1: 23,25; Mtt.24: 35, etc.  Our scholarly Bible destroyers reject these verses anyway. They do not believe a 100% faithful Bible exists; that it cannot, and never will, exist, and that God is either powerless to do anything about it or can’t be bothered anyway. Many Brethren teachers today believe that God CANNOT communicate fully with men apart from through them. That is, they uphold clerisy.
The AV reading of 2 Thes 2: 2 is given as an example of error in translation. This shows an ignorance of the issues involved in Textual Criticism. Translation is not an issue in this verse. It is a matter of which manuscripts should be used. The AV is wrong, apparently, because it upsets the theology of some. The critic doesn’t understand the meaning of the day of Christ. If he doesn’t understand the Bible, it is wrong.
The Received Text reading is η ημερα χριστου which cannot possibly be mistranslated. There is hardly a manuscript that does not have this reading, apart from a handful of Alexandrian mss. We are confident therefore, that we have the true reading which most certainly would have been the original writing of the apostle himself. D W admits such to be verbally inspired and yet rejects it in this verse. The modern critics admit to not knowing for certain the true content of any original writing.
The second alleged error is the AV translation of Hebrews 2: 17 where we read to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. We are told it should be “to make propitiation for the sins of the people”, because sins can never be reconciled to God. Here, the gobble-de-gook rendering of J N Darby is preferred. The AV translators were well aware of the word propitiation (which is a synonym for reconciliation) because they used it three times in the N.T. at Rom.3: 25, 1 John 2: 2, 1 John 4: 10. It will be noted that the Greek words are not as in Heb. 2: 17. The AV Translators were all linguists which our modern men are not. If propitiation had been the better word we are confident they would have used it. What they gave us is the English Bible that God wanted us to have. If we do not believe this we have NO bible, which is where our critics intend us to end up.
The AV Bible is straightforward and easily understood. Because of the sins of the people, reconciliation to God became necessary and was made by Christ.
So we should be thankful for the “beautiful and accurate AV”! Only, our critics tell us, in the New Testament  it is not accurate in 8000 places!  Accurate and inaccurate at the same time!
Is it in order, to give alternative renderings from other translations? The Bible teacher will inevitably be required to give the sense of a word or passage. This is the work of the expositor.  He doesn’t need to quote from such perversions of Scripture as the NIV, which translation is based on false documents and Dynamic Equivalence (which essentially means you can make it up as you go along).  We know that Sodomites were involved with the production of this depraved book and copyright is presently owned by Rupert Murdoch.
As it is, those who quote publicly from the NIV and other perversions usually prefix their words with “a better rendering is” and this is always false. They don’t tell you that the very words and meanings have been changed. A deceitful witness speaketh lies. Prov.14: 25. D W cannot produce a single example where the NIV gives a clearer understanding of a verse than found in the AV.
D West’s answer has done a grave injustice to truth. He strikes a blow at faith. He drags assemblies into apostasy.
It will only be a matter of time before the very latest bible obscenity is being quoted by our erudite brethren. I refer to the “As Good as New” version which has the approval of Rowan Williams.
In it, 1 Cor. 7: 1-2, 8-9 reads:- “Some of you think the best way to cope with sex is for men and women to keep right away from each other. That is more likely to lead to sexual offences. My advice is for everyone to have a regular partner.... There’s nothing wrong with remaining single, like me. But if you know you have strong needs, get yourself a partner. Better than being frustrated.” This is an open incitement to fornication.
Our brethren will recoil in horror at the above statement (we would like to think so, anyway!) But as they are not differentiating between versions, one appearing as good as another, then we fear the worst.
D W must be aware that modern versionism is associated with liberalism and neo-evangelicalism, and with this, immorality.

Why I pray using “Thee” and “Thou”

I pray privately and publicly using “thee” and “thou” because that is how I was taught when I first got saved in 1955. My teachers taught me by example. They were all young men under the age of 25 and they came from a variety of denominations. We were all servicemen.
In those days no one thought of praying differently. This was largely because we all held to the Authorized Bible. This version maintained the singular forms of speech even though they had passed out of common usage in the English language before it was printed in 1611 AD. They were kept because they made an accurate translation from the Greek and Hebrew. Their usage in prayer gives a more reverent approach to the Father.
I pray using these singular personal pronouns not because of tradition . I was not brought up in Christian circles. I was able to pray in this manner from the day I got saved. This had nothing to do with my education. I listened and learned.I find that usually those who pray in modern style have little regard for the AV Bible and move in liberal neo-evangelical circles. “Thee and thou” forms are still maintained in wedding services and other ceremonial occasions; e.g “I Tom Brown, take thee, Mary Jones, to be my lawful wedded wife”. There is a connotation of intimacy and affection in this.I thank God for the English language which allows me to address deity in terms not found generally on the lips of the ungodly. If other languages do not allow this its users are that much the poorer.

Further Reminiscences

The following took place between  September, 1972 and April 1974.
We arrived in Grimsby, my family and I, where I took up my first teaching post. I was 36 years old.
We were received into the assembly meeting at the Gospel Hall, Springfield Road, Scartho. I had tried to research this assembly before we moved but few brethren had heard of them.
It wasn’t long before we discovered we had joined a hotch-potch of Glantonites and liberal open brethren who had got fed up with the leading light at Wellowgate, Grimsby.
Dr Churchward a one-time missionary, joined his  Glantonite partner and a crowd followed on after him to start a conglomerate assembly in Scartho.
Mr Tharp, Who also ran a Glanton meeting outside Grimsby, “reminded” us in a ministry meeting that The Church Was In Ruins. This is foundational exclusive heresy so I raised an objection.
And thus my troubles began. It is a serious offence to question any utterance of a senior brother so I was carpeted.
Dr Churchward interviewed me. I had said Tharp’s words were blasphemous and so I had upset him.
The church is the body of Christ and to describe it as just so much rubble has to mock Christ.
But I must learn to suppress my foolish notions or there would be no place for me at Scartho.
What did Dr Churchward believe? I was never told.
A few weeks later another notable leader, Mr McClean (an SMO) told us (I quote) “when Christ was on earth He was in essence less than God” .
I withdrew from this assembly the same morning, quit my teaching post the following Monday, Put our house up for sale and returned to Lutom.
….and then my troubles really began.
We returned to the assembly we had left two years earlier; Onslow Road Gospel Hall, and where I had attended the weeknight meetings for the previous three months while commuting from Grimsby. But we had no  Letter of   from the Grimsby assembly so we were refused fellowship. My movements, manner of life, doctrine was of course fully known to the Brethren in Luton but I was no longer a licenced member so I was barred. The three elders at Luton wanted to receive me but certain men were determined to keep me out. I was told, no letter – no membership.
Gordon Brind, one of the three elders, wrote to the Grimsby assembly and asked if they could supply a letter. They were willing to do so and I was then received with my family at Luton.
With hindsight I see this as evidence of my brainwashed state at that time. If a blaspheming men at Grimsby were ready to receive me then the Luton assembly would do likewise. Very unwisely I accepted this.
So it was “out of the frying pan and into the fire.”

Questions for KJV Critics

1.     Since you're smart enough to find "mistakes" in the KJV, why don't you correct them all and give us a perfect Bible?

2.     Do you have a perfect Bible?
 3.  Since you do believe "the Bible" is our final authority in all matters of faith and /practice/, could you please show us where
    Jesus, Peter, James, Paul, or John ever /practiced/ your terminology
    ("the Greek text says...the Hebrew text says....the originals
    say...a better rendering would be....older manuscripts read...." etc.)?
4.    Since you do not profess to have a perfect Bible, why do you refer to it as "God's word"?
 5.    Remembering that the Holy Spirit is the greatest Teacher (John 16:12-15; John 2:27), who taught you that the King James Bible was
    not infallible, the Holy Spirit or man?
 6.    Since you do believe in the degeneration of man and in the degeneration of the world system in general, why is it that you
    believe education has somehow "evolved" and that men are more
    qualified to translate God's word today than in 1611?
 7. There is one true God, yet many false gods. There is one true Church, consisting of true born-again believers in Christ, yet there
    are many false churches. So why do you think it's so wrong to teach
    that there is one true Bible, yet many false "bibles"?
 8.   Isn't it true that you believe God inspired His holy words in the "originals," but has since/lost/ them, since no one has a perfect
    Bible today?
 9.    Isn't it true that when you use the term "the Greek text" you are being deceitful and lying, since there are MANY Greek TEXTS
    (plural), rather than just one?
10.    Before the first new perversion was published in 1881 (the RV), the  King James Bible was published, preached, and taught throughout the
    world. God blessed these efforts and hundreds of millions were
    saved. Today, with the many new translations on the market, very few
    are being saved. The great revivals are over. Who has gained the
    most from the new versions, God or Satan?
                                 Author unknown


1.     Everywhere we look “evangelicals” are turning to Roman Catholic styles of contemplative spirituality (which in many cases were borrowed from pagan sources), such as ritualistic rote prayers, chanting, meditation, centering prayer, the use of prayer beads, Stations of the Cross, lectio divina, labyrinths, and “the daily office.”  -D Cloud  re our colossian studies
2.    Again, only he is a fit minister of the Church who is able to refute false teachers. That is listed as one of the necessary qualifications of an elder or bishop: "Holding fast the faithful Word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers...whose mouths must be stopped" (Titus 1:9-11). The popular demand that the public teacher refrain from polemics is not supported by Scripture.  Scripture admonishes pastors to "avoid foolish questions and genealogies and contentions about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain" (Titus 3:9). Nor dare we engage in polemics from carnal motives, in carnal zeal. "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh" (2 Cor. 10:3). It is also to be noted that in Titus 1:9 the words "able by sound doctrine to exhort" precede "able to convince the gainsayer."  That means that the clear presentation of the true doctrine must come before the refutation of the false doctrine.

- Franz Pieper, 1852-1931, Professor, President of Missouri Synod, author of Christian Dogmatics (taken from the Berean Call website)

3.     “On earth the Lord laid aside His manifestations of deity” .̶  Brian Chapman. (Trustee: CountiesUK)

This is a blasphemous attack on the person of Christ. Christ first manifested His glory at the wedding in Cana. If this was not an open demonstration of deity it must have been some kind of conjuring trick.

Versionist Unbelief on the Internet

I recently got involved in a “Bible Version Forum” on the Internet. The question of versions was being debated and I was interested to know the spiritual standing of those contributing. So I asked contributors individually if they were saved. The question provoked quite a degree of contempt from some while most just ignored the question. The only two who were prepared to make a public acknowledgment of salvation were the two who held to the AV bible. I am not saying that all who hold to modern versions are unconverted but it certainly appeared so on this particular forum. There are a number of reasons why our brethren hold to modern versions. They may be influenced by the “scholars”. They are so clever, how can they be wrong? Supporters of the “scholars” will often tell us they are, or were, godly men. The inference from that being that any in disagreement with the “scholars” must be ungodly men. Our brethren do not want to appear unscholarly when they occupy the teacher’s platform so they must ape the scholars in their criticisms of the word of God, the AV Bible.
Others are uncertain because they have not personally examined the weight of evidence in favour of the AV bible.
However, I believe that because the AV Bible is the proven word of God it is under immense attack from Satan in these closing days and therefore those who are his instruments in attack are very largely unregenerate men. What folly to think that these men could not find their way in to OUR circles of fellowship. They crept in unawares in Jude’s day. What blindness to think they could never be lauded as the chief men among the modern-day brethren! 


Received by Email

Dear friend,
I feel I need to point to the fact that what you share on your site is very much the fruit of a very traditional, conservative and old fashioned view of Christianity. Praise God that Jesus is alive today in the 21st century as he has always been and as such His word is still alive today, whether in “high” English or “common” English.
By the way why once again discuss about translations? Or have you forgotten that Jesus did not speak English but Aramaic or, to put it in modern terms, “common English”?
In love to all

Dear Alex,
Thank you for your email and for looking at my website. You say that what I share is the fruit of a very traditional, conservative and old fashioned view of Christianity. What I share, is the fruit of my own labours and research. It is not the result of a biased  view, for I had to change my mind many years ago when I realized the NIV that I had bought was not what it claimed to be. It is not a bigoted view because I have the works of most of the leading Textual Critics on my bookshelves and I have read them before publishing my own conclusions.
What is wrong with tradition? Paul warns to separate from every brother that walketh disorderly and not after the tradition which he received of us.2 Thes.3:6 If you will not have tradition under any circumstance, then on the authority of the word of God, I bid you farewell. Tradition  based on Scripture is essential for the child of God. If you are speaking of the traditions of men (Col.2 :7) then we must beware them. Modern versionism is the tradition of men. It is based on an apostate scholarship which men highly esteem. The Bible which I believe in is the one “handed down” through the centuries, having a proven pedigree, which no modern bible has.        
The child of God, following his Lord and Master will be conservative, because his Lord and Master is Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever. Heb.13:8. His unchangeability is true conservatism. Jude urges us to contend earnestly for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. V.3. The faith¾ its practices and precepts¾ have been delivered once and for all. They are valid today without the need for any updating. Those determined on change are the liberalists. They are marked by a carelessness of attitude in worship, being casual in dress and in language. They are ‘into’ Contemporary Christian(?) Music with its devilish beat. They do not live lives separate from the world. They love the world with its theatres and football and television. And being worldlings they use the worldlings modern versions. They simply do not like the straight paths. Yes, I do indeed seek to maintain the old conservative values. That’s because I have been converted.
You may call me ‘old-fashioned’ if you will. What I believe and practice is not out of date. We are careful about our language in prayer to God. Our womenfolk cover their heads in the gatherings of the Lord’s people and they remain silent. Our godly young women do not parade themselves trousered, bob-haired, mouths painted, and jewelry hanging from their ears. They are not seen on the beach near-naked either.
 I believe it is faith in God that you describe as old-fashioned. Perhaps you hold to things new-fangled? They are the things produced by an apostate Christendom.

I don’t know anything about “high” English. I do know that the translators of the NIV went down to the New York ghettoes to gather their common (rather, gutter) English.
I do know that my AV Bible is written in plain English, a large number of its words being of one syllable.
You say that your Jesus is alive today in the 21st century. I don’t recognize him. He bears no relationship to the Christ of glory in Whom I have trusted these past 50 years. I find my Saviour outside the camp and still despised and hated by the world.
Lastly, you ask ‘why once again discuss about translations?’ While wicked men are foisting their money making perversions and parodies of Scripture on an apostate Christendom we raise our voice against them and encourage believers to maintain their confidence in the pure word of God. The Lord spoke Hebrew. There is no evidence that He or the apostles spoke in Aramaic. That is an old wives tale on a par with Darwinism and the   theory.

A preacher on the fence
From out of the millions of the earth
God often calls a man
To preach the Word, and for the truth
To take a royal stand.
‘Tis sad to see him shun the Cross,
Nor stand in its defence
Between the fields of right and wrong:
A preacher on the fence.

Before him are the souls of men
Bound for Heaven or Hell;
An open Bible in his hand,
And yet he will not tell
All the truth that’s written there,
It haveth an offence—
The joys of Heaven, the horrors of Hell—
A preacher on the fence.

Now surely God has called the man
To battle for the right.
‘Tis his to ferret out the wrong
And turn on us the light.
And yet he dare not tell the truth,
He fears the consequence.
The most disgusting thing on earth
Is a preacher on the fence.

If he should stand up for the wrong,
The right he’d not defend;
If he should stand up for the right,
The wrong he would offend.
His mouth is closed, he cannot speak
For freedom or against.
Great God deliver us from
A preacher on the fence.

But soon both sides will find him out
And brand him as a fraud,
A coward who dares not to please
The devil or his God.
Oh God, free us from fear of man,
From cowardly pretence;
Cleanse out the dross and fear of loss,
And keep us off the fence.
His mouth is closed, he cannot speak
For freedom or against.
Great God deliver us from
A preacher on the fence.

But soon both sides will find him out
And brand him as a fraud,
A coward who dares not to please
The devil or his God.
Oh God, free us from fear of man,
From cowardly pretence;
Cleanse out the dross and fear of loss,
And keep us off the fence.
Back copies of Waymarks Contender may be found at . Articles without credits are written  by me, Ron Smith. Contact

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