Report of Open Air Preaching
September/October. LUTON. It wasn’t the Big Issue Boy waiting for me today. It looked more like his sister. Nobody bought from her while I preached. I felt sorry for her, sitting there on the pavement, but she was listening t the gospel. So I gave her a pound coin as I left.
She smiled a mouthful of gold teeth at me.
December LUTON. Half of a minute into preaching and I am interrupted by an aged fellow wanting to ask a question. When people face me up in a threatening manner I usually preach at high decibels directly into their face, spittle and all. It usually causes them to adjust their position. But I pitied this ancient so I asked him to repeat his question. It was “have you any more fairy stories?” My response to him was that he appeared to be almost time expired so he ought to get hold of the gospel while he could. He made off at once. (I have seen nine decades – thirties to the tenties! Oh, I have live under four monarchs.)
This time of the year we remind sinners that Bethlehem shows them up as sinners in need of a Saviour. I trust my brethren let their audiences know this when they attend their pagan carol services.
AV Verses Vindicated
Proverbs 4: 7
Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting, get understanding.
“The beginning of wisdom is, get wisdom; and with all thy getting get intelligence.” JND
“….get understanding.” RV
“….get insight.” ESV
Three times in scripture we are told that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. ( Ps. 110: 10, Prov. 1: 7, 9: 10). This makes it the principal thing, so get it!
But JND thinks it begins with, well, just get it. Intelligence is not the same as understanding. Some intelligent men are totally lacking in understanding.
Understanding is knowing how to apply wisdom. Fear of the Lord is where it starts.
Amos 3: 3
Can two walk together except they be agreed?
“Do two people start travelling together without arranging to meet?” GNB
Yes, they may if it is an accidental meeting.
The verse teaches that true fellowship requires like-mindedness if it is to continue.
Luke 4: 4
And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
The underlined words are omitted from almost ALL modern versions; NIV, ESV, etc.
Manuscript evidence for the retention of these words is massive. Satan does not care how a man lives as long as it is not by every word of God.
This verse is proof that every word of God remains available, else Christ would never have made this statement.
Ephesians 2: 6
….and made us sit together in heavenly places.
“….and seated us in the heavens.” CEB
“…..and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.” NIV
“….and has given us a position in heaven with him.” GW
The prime meaning of “heavens” is sky. .above the sky is space with all its stars and planets. Above this is the third heaven where Paul was caught up to. The CEB makes it very ambiguous.
Realms is not a better word than places. A position given does not mean that one is currently occupying it.
Places is consistently in italics in the Ephesian epistle but assures us that the heaven of eternal bliss has specific locality.
Hebrews 2: 17
Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation (hilaskomai) for the sins of the people.
“….to make propitiation for the sins of the people.” RV JND
“….to wipe away the sins of the people.” CEB
The Greek verb hilaskomai is found here and at Luke 18: 13 only, in the N T. where it is translated ‘merciful’.
The English word ‘reconciliation’ in the AV Bible translates katallage at 2 Cor.5: 18,19, hilaskomai at Hebrews 2: 17.
The word ‘propitiation’ translates hilasterion at Romans 3: 25; and hilasmos at 1 John 2: 2, 4: 10.
Propitiation is Godward and means God is appeased. Reconciliation is manward and means that a friendly relationship has been established. Heb.2: 17 speaks of Christ’s relationship towards His people as our high priest.
Jude 1
….to them that are sanctified (hagiazo) by God the Father….
“…. Beloved in God the Father….” RV JND
“….loved by God the Father….CEB
Hagiazois is well supported by the Greek manuscripts and is found in the majority of the cursives.
The use of agapao in modern translations indicates a deliberate doctrinal alteration.
Jude 4
....denying the only Lord (despotes) God, and our Lord (kurios) Jesus Christ,….
“…..and deny our only master and Lord, Jesus Christ….” RV JND CEB etc.
By omitting God, the deity of Christ is rejected. The Critical Text behind the RV was engineered by Unitarian influence. All modern versions follow this serious error.
This verse teaches us “the only potentate, almighty, God, who is our Lord, Jesus Christ…”
Jude 22
And of some have compassion, making a difference (diakrino)
“and on some have mercy, who are in doubt,” RV
“show mercy to those who have doubts.” GW
Diakrino is translated as doubt in several places (e.g. Matt. 21: 21). It cannot be translated thus here.
We note the subject in this context is “ye, beloved” (v. 20).
These beloved receive a series of instructions;
1. building up yourselves, 2. praying in the Holy Ghost, 3. keep yourselves, 4. looking for the mercy, 5. have compassion, making a difference, 6. others save with fear.
If diakrino is to be doubt, then the beloved are making some doubt.
Doubters are not believers. But some believers may be misled by the sensual apostates of v.21. The beloved therefore will need to exercise discernment. (compare 1 Cor. 11: 29)
By the Way….,
Delusions of grandeur are characteristic of those with psychotic illness. So was Diotrophese merely sick in the head?
John did not regard Diotrophese as sick. He was an evil man and needed to be treated as such. There was no psychotherapy for him.
There are some with mental disorders among us and we are sorry for them and will offer help where we can, but we do not recommend modern psychotherapy which is evil. Neither do we let them rule us, which is what they seek to do.
□J Richie Ltd. Publishers of Believer’s Magazine make another attack on the integrity of Scripture. In an article by J Brown of Peterhead, we learn that,
The AV is an excellent and reliable English Bible.
Immediately below this highlighted statement we read-
It would take a bold man to assert that the AV is perfect. Perhaps there is no such a thing as the perfect translation. The AV does have unfortunate readings at various points. —Believer’s Magazine, Nov. 2011; .329.
J Brown wants me to know that the book I hold my hand; The book I know as the Holy Bible, the word of God, the Scriptures, is not after all an infallible Book, it never could have been 100% based on verbal inspiration. It is sullied by imperfections, stained by error. It is defective.
I ask, would God really do this to us? Would He issue an edict through the lips of Christ, Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. Matt.4: 48.
Will J Brown argue this is a different kind of being perfect? He suggests, God could not produce a perfect translation even if He wanted to. He believes God put the human race out of touch at Babel.
I believe my Bible is perfect because I have a perfect God Who supervised the production of my English Bible according to His own rich promises. The word of the Lord endureth for ever. This means Every word
The Rise, Progress, and Doom of Apostasy revealed in Jude’s Epistle by Ron Smith
Jude tells us apostasy began in heaven. He writes of the angels which kept not their first estate, v.6.They were in a state of rebellion against God. He describes how apostasy then continued on earth among the Israelites that believed not. V.5. He tells how it manifests itself in the Church era where from early days certain men crept in unawares…denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. V.4. He shows how this apostasy will continue and develop after the rapture until finally the Lord cometh with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment on all, and to convince all that are ungodly… vv.14,15.
Paul confirmed that there will be a significant departure from the faith before the rapture in 2 Thess. 2: 3 where the Day of Christ cannot come except there come a falling away first. Paul used the word apostasia for “falling away” which, interestingly, Jude did not use.
(The only other place where apostasia is used is Acts 21: 21 where Paul was accused of inciting the Jews to forsake Moses.)
Falling away means literally, a defection from the truth. A born again soul cannot do this, and those who do, apostates, would never admit it. They do not fall away from religion or external appearances.
We are concerned in this article with the apostasy immediately prior to the Lord’s return. Paul speaks of this also in 1 Tim. 4: 1,
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Departing from the faith is apostasy. We note they do not necessarily depart from the local church. They may remain as fully active members, and be well respected, many of them holding office in the church, and appear as chief men among the brethren. But they are men who have renounced what once they believed. They may appear to hold to fundamental teaching and be very hot on church government or “Assembly Principles” as some put it. But they are apostates and are destined for the lake of fire.
Paul described to Timothy the character of these men in his second epistle; self-lovers, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof. This form may deceive some believers into thinking they are sound brethren, but there are other characteristics that need to be considered.
What is it they have given heed to? ─Things that are false because they emanate from seducing spirits and devils.
Being lovers of self they listen to that which will glorify themselves. In this age scholarship is worshipped, and the seducing spirits will produce their “scholars” who will be authorities on the Bible. The devilish doctrine put forward will be “There is no single book that can adequately be called the Word of God.” i.e. you don’t have a Bible you can trust implicitly from cover to cover. The seduced apostate will be much taken up with this so he will strut the platforms informing ill-taught audiences that “a better rendering is thus and thus and our dear old AV is wrong again.”
A devil’s doctrine which is much in the ascendancy now is that inspiration perished with the first manuscripts. Verbal Inspiration of Scripture is denied and I add with grief that in my 50 years with the Brethren I have never heard it properly taught. Faith and confidence in the Bible has been replaced by what is no more than German rationalism. It is the 19th century rationalism emanating from the Tübingen school which now pervades the whole of Christendom. The works of Eichorn, Griesbach and Lachmann have been idolized by men from all sectors of Christendom.
What does the Scripture tell us to do about it? We learn from Jude that apostasy will be dealt with finally by the Lord at His coming, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. These are murmerers… v14,15,16
This judgment is after the tribulation when the Lord returns again to earth.. This is evident from the words “with ten thousands of his saints”. Those caught up at His coming into the air will return with Him at His coming again to the earth.
Those who have made hard speeches against Him will be judged. The Lord warned of this when He said
He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. John 12: 48
The textual critics, and those who give heed to these seducing spirits, are those who will not receive His word. This is evident in the thousands of changes they seek to make to the word of God. They may be fine preachers, chief men among the brethren, but they will not be caught up at the rapture. They are reserved for judgment.
The child of God need take no action against these men, apart from warning against their errors, and separating from them as Paul taught on several occasions. 1 Tim. 6: 5; 2 Tim. 2: 23; Rom. 16: 17; 2 Thess.3: 6.
Never Smile at a Crocodile. Never Take a break with a Rattlesnake. Never Warm to a Wolf..
…. “After all, we be brethren.” Gen.13 8.
So says J Bennett, an editor of Precious Seed, He wrote,
If there is one thing that has marred the testimony of the Lord’s people down through time it is the problem of personalities. Even a matter that involves the neglect or abandonment of a fundamental principle can and should be resolved without compromise, yet amicably, where there is a willingness to deal with it according to scripture and in the light of the fact that we are brethren and sisters in Christ. Yet, sadly, we persist in doing the adversary’s work by dividing brother from brother and assembly from assembly. The individual testimony is harmed or lost and the collective testimony is weakened or marred.—Precious Seed; Nov. 2011; p.1
The term ‘Collective Testimony’ indicates that it is not the brethren comprising the body of Christ who are in view. It is The Brethren who are being considered.
I have many brethren, scattered throughout many denominations. Some of these have been a great blessing and encouragement to me over more than half a century. Alas, I do not feel free to join every one of them where they are, but I do love them.
I am surrounded by many of The Brethren and some of them are apostate. This is evident from their false doctrines and bad life style.
One of “my Brethren” believed the Lord was capable of any sin. J Bennett would have me sit down with the man and amicably deal with it. The Scripture tells me, Now I beseech you, brethren, mark those who cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned, and avoid them. Romans 16: 17.
The doctrine I learned concerning Christ is that He is eternally sinless. The Scripture commands me to avoid those who cause divisions and offences by denying the impeccability of Christ. I infer from J Bennett that if I withdraw and urge others to do the same I, and not this blaspheming man, am harming the testimony.
J Bennett, is speaking of harm to “the collective testimony” and here he reveals his motive.
This collective testimony is Brethrenism. Any manner of foul doctrines of devils must be entertained rather than weaken Brethrenism.
J Bennett also writes,
Are we quick to ‘write off’ our brethren and sisters? Do we criticize them publicly, or pray for them privately, and with deep conviction of soul?
Oh dear! The Apostle is in trouble again. He wrote, But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed. Gal. 2: 11.
Paul let believers know for all time that Peter was in error. They needed to know.
When one in fellowship publicly commits error by false teaching, or evil practice,it must be exposed for the sake of the flock. If it is a private issue and does not directly concern the flock, then we do not make it a public issue. In this J Bennett again flies in the face of Scripture
Another Scripture to consider is this:
Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderely, and not after the tradition which he received of us. 2 Thes. 3: 6
Paul is urging brethren to separate from one another. J Bennett is opposed to this Scripture.
Then we have:
If any man teach otherwise and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to holiness;….from such withdraw thyself. 1 Tim. 6: 3-5.
Those who preach the “collective testimony” of Brethrenism will not even acknowledge there are such false people within their fold. Those spoken of by Jude could never creep unawares into a Gospel Hall. They just walk in boldly.
So must we NOT contend earnestly for the faith? No, says JB. This just divides brother from brother.
The Lord said, Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay, but rather division.
We are aware that doctrine divides. For this reason there is less and less appeal to Scripture. JB regards those who contend as troublemakers.
JB portrays the Lord as willing to overlook sin. Quote:
We find him weeping over Jerusalem, Luke 19:41.’ Love suffers long and is kind’, 1 Cor. 13: 4 NKJV [note the perversion of Scripture in this false translation-RS] This is unconditional love!
This last statement is wilfully misleading. Love does not ignore wickedness and wilful rebellion. Neither did it in the example quoted above.
Love to Christ will demand a firm and public stand against all evil.
An unwillingness to deal with error is the product of Neo-Evangelism. The result is the Brethren Movement is home for every fowl of the air. It is not only false teaching which is tolerated, but immorality also.
Pride also destroys obedience to the Scriptures.
Paul criticized the church at Corinth for their unwillingness to deal with error in their midst. It was serious immorality but the believers at Corinth regarded themselves as so spiritual, so understanding, so loving, they did not need to deal with it. Perhaps they were seeking to come to an “amicable” arrangement?
This Precious Seed editorial echoes the words written by the heretic F F Bruce in the Harvester May 1974. He wrote:
What Has been readers’ experience of the opportunity for Christian charity presented in a local church situation where a minority holds beliefs or engages in practices which the majority does not share —e.g. where a minority holds or practices household baptism or speaking in tongues or the public ministry of sisters? Does such a situation provoke division, or (as one might expect among Christians) toleration and brotherly love?
. Beware of the Neo-Evangelism and liberalism of Precious Seed. This journal also promotes Ecumenism and leads us back into Bruce’s mish-mash of error. See Bible Bytes, inside back cover of issue under discussion.
(Amongst Bruce’s heresies was the denial of a real hell.)
What is a cult?
For church leaders to demand unquestioning loyalty is a perversion of biblical truth and is the mark of a cult. The Bible gives authority to pastors and elders (Heb. 13:7, 17), but that authority is not unlimited or unquestionable. Those who demand blind obedience from their people are cult leaders. Consider the following description of the authority that was wielded by James and Ellen White in the early days of the Seventh-day Adventist cult:- David Cloud
Four marks of a cult
An edict given in one church is to be upheld at every other.
A cult introduces regulations outside of Scripture
A cult is often but not always destructive. Destroying normal family relations
A cult rejects all who are not in conformity with their views
Millions call themselves by His name, it is true, and pay some token respect to Him, but a simple test will show how little He is really honoured among them. Let the average man be put to the proof on the question of who or what is above, and his true position will be exposed. Let him be forced into making a choice between God and money, God and men, between God and personal ambition, God and self, God and human love, and God will take second place every time. Those other things will be exalted above. However the man may protest, the proof is in the choices he makes day after day throughout his life.
-A.W. Tozer
Jesus, our Saviour Thou and Lord,
How precious is Thy word !
To lowly and believing hearts
What joy it doth afford !
Thy word of pure, eternal truth
Shall yet unshaken stay,
When all that man has thought or planned,
Like chaff has passed away.
Thy word, Lord, speaks to us of Thee,
And Thine exceeding grace;
In it thy thoughts and ways of love
With wondering eyes we trace.
Thy word upon our daily path
Its light divine doth shed;
By it our feet, through Satan's snares,
In safety may be led.
Oh, may it richly dwell within,
And mould our every thought;
And be each heart to Thy blest sway
In-full subjection brought !
Lord, by thy Spirit teach and lead,
While seated at Thy feet,
That we may in Thy holy will
Stand perfect and complete.
-Daniel Webley.
Whence but in heaven, could men unskilled in arts,
In different ages born, in different parts,
Weave such agreeing truths, or how, or why,
Should all conspire to cheat us with a lie?
Unasked their pains, ungrateful their advice,
Starving their gains, and martyrdom their price.
- John Dryden
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